Canine Academy Blog

Welcome to the ultimate dog training resource for dog owners created by our certified dog training team. Discover effective relationship based - balanced training tactics that will help you become a strong leader for your companion.

Educational content is posted 2 times per week exclusively on our Canine Academy Blog

Understanding the Natural Behavior of Dogs and Managing Your Expectations: A Balanced Approach to Training
Kaitlynn Mahlberg Kaitlynn Mahlberg

Understanding the Natural Behavior of Dogs and Managing Your Expectations: A Balanced Approach to Training

Dogs, as descendants of wolves, possess natural instincts and behaviors that have been shaped over thousands of years. However, in a human-dominated environment, these natural behaviors often conflict with what is expected of them as pets and companions. This article explores the intrinsic nature of dogs, the expectations we place on them, and how balanced training an approach that combines positive reinforcement with appropriate corrections can bridge the gap between the two.

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Transforming Dog Training into a Fun Game: The Benefits of Choice-Based Training
Kaitlynn Mahlberg Kaitlynn Mahlberg

Transforming Dog Training into a Fun Game: The Benefits of Choice-Based Training

Training a dog can often seem like a daunting task. For many pet owners, it conjures images of a stern-faced trainer issuing commands, with the dog responding out of obligation rather than enthusiasm. However, there's a more engaging and effective approach: turning dog training into a game. By incorporating choice-based training into your routine, you can transform learning into a playful and rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. Here’s how to make dog training a fun game and the benefits of a choice-based approach.

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